WELCOME to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog

Welcome to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog!

Winkie’s Kitty Cat Blog was created by David McIntire for the kitty cat lovers of the world, and, is meant to serve as an outlet for those of you who may have photos, or, a short story of your little furry friends that you would like to share, and have added to the Kitty Cat Blog.
Also, the Kitty Cat Blog will have articles posted that are related to the things that concern kitty cats such as “How To Tips” on caring for our little friends.

If any of the readers of this blog have unusual, interesting, beautiful, or, just good photos of your kitty cats, along with a good short story, that you would like to share, please contact David McIntire at: david@davidmcintire.com and we will contact you as soon as possible to make arrangements to add your content to the Kitty Cat Blog. Adding your photos, stories, and comments to the Kitty Cat Blog is “Free”.

We reserve the right to post, or not to post any content that is submitted to this blog. Also we reserve the right to delete any content that has been posted on this blog as we see fit. You will retrain any copyrights that you may have to your submitted materials.

Come, and “Join In". Feel free to submit your kitty cat photos, your comments, or, your short kitty cat stories, (fact or, fiction) and if we like them, we will post them.

Let’s have some fun.


Friday, December 24, 2010

British Shorthair Cat – Popular Breed In Cat Shows

The history of the British Shorthair cat can be traced to the time when Romans had brought over cats to Britain. These Roman cats were cross bred with British wild cats. The offspring of these cats were later cross bred with Persian cats to increase the thickness of the coat. Cats with this lineage are the British Shorthair cats.
There are no specific types of British Shorthair cats, but they come in many colours: white, red, blue, black, lilac, cream, chocolate, fawn and cinnamon. British Shorthair cats can be bred in “self” or “solid”, which are all one colour, as well as the colourpoint, tabby, shaded and bicolour patterns. All colours and patterns also come in the tortoiseshell pattern, which is a combination of red and cream with other colours.
The British Shorthair cat is one of the largest breeds of cat around the world, the male being much larger than the female. They are very strong cats and have large, sturdy, muscular bodies. They have broad chest, shoulders and hips. They have a dense, plush coat that is usually described as crisp, given the way it breaks over the body’s contours. They have a round face, with full cheeks and a short and broad nose. Their eyes are large, round and widely set and they can be of many different colors, although copper or gold are most common. They live 14-20 years.
British Shorthair cats are called the “Bulldog” of the cat world. They are very laid back and even if they do get mad, they don’t stay mad for too long. They can be very inquisitive and interested in what is going on, but they prefer to curl up instead most of the time.
Being such large cats, the British Shorthairs require a lot of food and nourishment- approximately 70 Kcal per kg of bodyweight per day. However, it must be noted that these cats, especially the ones that are neutered, are prone to become obese. In such cases, they will have to be out on a restricted diet.
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Introducing:  "Scrappy T. JyoAnnie of Winkiedom"
Photos and PhotoArt by David McIntire

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Egyptian Mau Cat

There is no record of the origin of the Egyptian Mau cats and it is fraught with uncertainty. It is, however, considered to have descended from wild African cats. If one sees walls paintings of Ancient Egypt, one will easily be able to identify the ancestors of the modern day Mau. The word mau literally translates to ‘cats’ in the Middle Egyptian language.
There are no specific types of Egyptian Maus.
The Egyptian Mau is a small to medium sized cat and has slender, muscular bodies. I’s body is randomly spotted and it has banded legs and tails. It has gooseberry green eyes, distinctive mascara lines and a worried expression on the face. It has a graceful cheetah-like stride. Its coat is typically in one of these five colors- silver, bronze, pewter, smoke and blue/pewter. It is the fastest of all domestic cats, thanks to a unique skin flap extending from the flank to the back knees.
Egyptian Mau cats are known to posses musical voices and can chirp and chortle amongst other sounds. They also do a happy dance when extremely joyous. They are extremely intelligent and loyal. They are considered to have a slightly dog like personality.
Egyptian Mau cats are far more sensitive than other breeds. They need very warm temperatures. They are also likely to be more sensitive to medicine and anesthesia. They have the longest gestation period of 73 days.
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Winkie's Kitty Cats In Armor
Photos/PhotoArt By David McIntire, London, Ky.

Winkie the King of Winkiedom

Prince Slinkie

Spot T Boy
(Supreme Guardian To The Throne Of The King)

Frankie SpotTMomma

StarBaby O Momma Char'one

Walker Wah
(Father Of The Waques)

Smokie Jyo
(Father of all the Jyos)

Skookie SnoozStar

Frankie O Que

Slinky Knotail

RooterTooter Waque

Sugar JyoQue

Scrappy T JyoAnnie

SuzieQue w/2nd litter of Waques
(Mother to the WaQues and JyoQues)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest cats are known as ‘skogkatt’ or ‘skaukatt’ in Norway, ‘skog’ and ‘skau’ meaning forest in different dialects. It is believed that the Norwegian Forest cat did come out of the forests about 4000 years ago. Legend has it that travelled the world with the Vikings, protecting their grain stores on land as well as on the sea, and even left their progeny on the shores of America.
There are no specific types of Norwegian Forest Cats. However, they were not bred from any particular line and hence differ from line to line.
The Norwegian Forest Cats look like two different cats in summer and winter. Acclimatized to cold winters, they have a very thick, glorious coat during the cold months. In the spring, they shed their undercoat and look completely different. They also have fur in their ears, between toes and a large bushy tail to wrap around themselves. They are large cats, with males being larger than the females.
They are playful, intelligent cats. They love human company and do not enjoy being left alone for long periods of time. They like the outdoors and are considered to be skilful hunters. They like high vantage points and are always climbing trees outside or bookshelves, cupboards, etc. inside the house. They are not high strung, but patient and great to have among children. They are considered to be loyal. They are also known to be highly responsive cats and good talkers.
The Norwegian Forest Cats do not need much maintenance except regular brushing during the spring and summer when they are shedding.
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King Winkie's Loyal Subjects
Photos/PhotoArt by David McIntire - London, Ky.

King Winkie and Cinderella (Cindy)

Bobo JyoHoney (f)
Little Willie JyoHoney (r)

Bubba JyoQue

Bubba JyoQue

Nikki JyoQue (f)
Peeper JyoMolly (r)

Little Boy Blue SnoozStar

Buddy JyoHoney (l)
Tiny JyoHoney (r)

Charlie SnoozStar

Skookie SnoozStar (BooBooDooDoo)

Blossom WaQue

Blossom O Honey

Annie WaQue

O Honeys - WaQues - Triads - and SnoozStars of Winkiedom

JakieBoy Jyoannie (l)
Tony Tiger JyoAnnie (c)
Wah JyoAnnie (r) 

The Messenger Bibby WaQue

The Messenger Bibby WaQue In Armor

Cornish Rex Cat – The Cat Without Fur

Although the Cornish Rex cats look remarkably similar to ancient Egyptian statues, they do not, in fact, come from Egypt. As the name suggests, they come from Cornwall in England. As a matter of fact, the Cornish Rex cats are a genetic mutation that originated from a litter of cats that was born in a barn in Cornwall. The male offspring was bred with the mother to produce two more kittens and the male amongst these two kittens was bred with a Siamese cat. The offspring of this pair are the foundation of this breed.

While most cats have three types of hair in their coats – the outer fur, the middle layer and the undercoat, the Cornish Rex cat only have the undercoat. This coat is extremely fine and curly and falls in washboard curls. In fact, it is the softest amongst any breed of cats. It has a distinctive head and body shape.

Cornish Rex cats are referred to as the “Greyhounds” of the cat world because of their sleek looks and their galloping way of running. They remain kittenish and playful throughout their lives. Many can be taught to play fetch, do acrobatic jumps or race other pets. Cornish Rex Cats are extremely intelligent, curious and adventurous. They enjoy the company of people and other pets.

Due to the thinness of their coat, the Cornish Rex cats need warm living conditions and prefer to be indoors. They are likely to catch hypothermia if they remain outside during winters. They like to stay close to warm places like just under the light bulb, tops of computer monitors and laps and shoulders.

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Havana Brown Cat – Very Brown Cat!

The Havana Brown Cat is a hybrid cat, developed with careful planning for a specific genetic design. The aim was to produce a self brown cat. While the breeding suffered during the World Wars, it was taken up with gusto in the post war period. The name Havana Brown has been used to describe the color genetics for self browns. On the other hand, some believe that it was called Havana because it matched the color of Havana cigars. This breed is also called the ‘Swiss Mountain Cat’.
There are no specific types of Havana Brown cats.
The first noticeable feature of the Havana Brown cat is its glistening mahogany colored coat, which is smooth, luxurious and closely cropped. The other distinctive feature is the head which is longer than it is wider. It has a prominent nose and beautiful oval shaped green eyes. Its body is firm and muscular and they are typically heavier than they look. There are no markings on their body.
Havana Brown cats have a charming personality and a melodious voice. They are playful and they often use their extended paw to reach out and touch and feel out curiosities. They also use similar gesture to get the attention of humans. They like human company and can generally adapt to most situations.
There are no specific measures prescribed for the caring of Havana.
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Introducing:  Mi Suzie of The Kingdom of Winkiedon

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Scottish Fold Cat

All Scottish Fold cats can trace their ancestry back to the original Scottish Fold called Susie, who was found on a farm in 1961. She gave birth to two kittens that also had the characteristic folded ears. One of them was bred to then found the line of the existing breed. The characteristic folded ears are a result of a dominant gene. The Scottish Fold cat is also known as the Highland Fold, Scottish Fold Longhair and Coupari.
Scottish Fold cats can give birth to both kittens with folded ears and with straight ears, forming two separate type, although the ones with straight ears cannot be considered Folds.
The most obvious characteristic of the Scottish Fold Cat is the folded ears. All cats are born with straight ears, but those with fold in their dominant gene will start showing the fold in 21 days. The Scottish Fold cats are medium sized cats. Their bodies, heads, face as well as eyes are rounded. They have medium to short legs. They can be longhaired or shorthaired and can have many different colors and combination of colors.
The Scottish Fold cats are sweet natured and placid and can easily adapt to people as well as other domestic animals. They are very affectionate, intelligent and playful as well as loyal.
They are known for sleeping on their back, in what is dubbed as the ‘Buddha position’.
The Scottish Fold cats do not need any specific grooming apart from regular brushing. However, it should be noted that they are prone to Polycystic Kidney Disease, Cardiomyopathy and Osteochondrodysplasia.
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 Winkie's Kitty Cats - His Loyal Subjects
Photos/PhotoArt by David McIntire - London, Ky.

Jakie SnoozStar
A Mighty Prince of Winkie's Kingdom

Tommy Tuo

Nikki (Pizzi) JyoQue

YellowBelly/YellowJack (Yellie) WaQue

Munchkin Cat – Cat-Dachshund

Munchkin cats are a relatively new breed of cats. They are identified by their unusually short legs. This, however is a natural genetic mutation, not manmade. There have been sightings of several short legged cats in the US and in Europe, but a captive breeding program was only introduced in the early 1990’s in the US, which led to the establishment of this breed.
These cats come in four distinct sizes: Standard, Super Short, VW Microbus and Rug Hugger. They are also separated into two groups for shows: Longhaired, which has a semi-long plush coat and Shorthaired, which has a medium plush coat.
The Munchkin cat is a small to medium sized cat, with abnormally short legs. This however poses no risk to its spine which is absolutely normal. Their legs may be slightly bowed. The Munchkin cats comes in all colors and patterns.
The Munchkin cat is considered to be sweet-natured, playful and intelligent cat. It likes being around people and responds well to good handling. This cat is outgoing and often plays with kitty toys. They like to run and chase. They also have a tendency to sit up like a rabbit.
The Munchkin cats are a happy, healthy and hardy breed of cats and so not require any specific caring measures.
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Some Of The Kitty Cats From Winkie's Kingdom

Bibby WaQue

Tommy O Honey

Happy JyoQue (t)
Ringneck (b)

Prancer JyoMolly

Scrappy Jyoannie