WELCOME to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog

Welcome to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog!

Winkie’s Kitty Cat Blog was created by David McIntire for the kitty cat lovers of the world, and, is meant to serve as an outlet for those of you who may have photos, or, a short story of your little furry friends that you would like to share, and have added to the Kitty Cat Blog.
Also, the Kitty Cat Blog will have articles posted that are related to the things that concern kitty cats such as “How To Tips” on caring for our little friends.

If any of the readers of this blog have unusual, interesting, beautiful, or, just good photos of your kitty cats, along with a good short story, that you would like to share, please contact David McIntire at: david@davidmcintire.com and we will contact you as soon as possible to make arrangements to add your content to the Kitty Cat Blog. Adding your photos, stories, and comments to the Kitty Cat Blog is “Free”.

We reserve the right to post, or not to post any content that is submitted to this blog. Also we reserve the right to delete any content that has been posted on this blog as we see fit. You will retrain any copyrights that you may have to your submitted materials.

Come, and “Join In". Feel free to submit your kitty cat photos, your comments, or, your short kitty cat stories, (fact or, fiction) and if we like them, we will post them.

Let’s have some fun.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Kingdom Of Winkiedom

"Winkie The King"

   The Kingdom Of Winkiedom is a kingdom inhabited by many creatures with very special abilities. This kingdom consists of several special groups of kitty cats, who came together under the leadership of the co-founder of the kingdom, who's name was Sir Isaac Winkafeller.  Isaac grew up under the watchful eye of a young female tabby named Momma, who was another co-founder of this kingdom of kitty cats.

   Momma, who had previously had two litters of kitty cats before she adopted this young boy Isaac, also adopted a young female  who she named Rosie. She gave Rosie her name because of her unusual color pattern. (Rosie was gray on top and white on the bottom, and she had pink/orange spots on her back, face and nose. Her face had a "rosie brightness" to it and so Momma decided to call her Rosie).

   Isaac had a very bad cold when he showed up on Momma's doorstep, and one of his eyes was partially closed, and it would "twitch" as if a sensitive nerve was malfunctioning or something. When she took him to the veterinarian, one of the assistants kept forgetting his name Isaac and so she started calling him Winkie. And, so the name kind of stuck to him.
DMc - London, Ky.                                                 
 Posted by David McIntire - London, Kentucky

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