WELCOME to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog

Welcome to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog!

Winkie’s Kitty Cat Blog was created by David McIntire for the kitty cat lovers of the world, and, is meant to serve as an outlet for those of you who may have photos, or, a short story of your little furry friends that you would like to share, and have added to the Kitty Cat Blog.
Also, the Kitty Cat Blog will have articles posted that are related to the things that concern kitty cats such as “How To Tips” on caring for our little friends.

If any of the readers of this blog have unusual, interesting, beautiful, or, just good photos of your kitty cats, along with a good short story, that you would like to share, please contact David McIntire at: david@davidmcintire.com and we will contact you as soon as possible to make arrangements to add your content to the Kitty Cat Blog. Adding your photos, stories, and comments to the Kitty Cat Blog is “Free”.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Nov 20, Your Cat Will Not Eat? Why your cat could be refusing to eat.

There are many reasons why a cat will not eat, some serious, some not so serious. Cats generally like the familiar, including the food that they are familiar with.

On the other hand they can become bored with the same old, same old. Your cat refusing to eat the food in her dish could be simply demanding a change.

Conversely though, your cat may point blank refuse to eat if you switch brands on her or she may even reject a new flavor. Make any change to your cat's food slowly, mix in a little of the new with the familiar, gradually increasing the amount of the new brand.

It can be that your cat will not eat because of a health issue. Many feline illnesses will prevent your cat from taking in food. If there are other symptoms of illness, or you suspect that your cat is not eating because she is unwell, you should not hesitate in consulting your veterinarian.

Should your cat not eat, for any reason at all, for more than forty eight hours ? get her to the vet. When your pet does not take food for an extended period the body fat is broken down to provide energy, and this can result in fatty liver disease.

Could your cat have a problem with her teeth? If your cat has problems with her teeth or mouth, eating could be difficult and painful for her. You can try tempting her with softened food but if you suspect any dental problem a visit to the vet is necessary.

Another possible reason that your cat will not eat could be because the food is too cold. Cats are, by nature, hunters. In their wild state cats eat their prey when they kill it, while the prey is still warm. Cold cat food therefore may be unappetizing. Try warming your cat's food slightly.

Changed your dish washing soap recently? If you have your cat may be repulsed by the new smell. Yes, the smell of cat food is very strong and may mask the detergent odor for most cats, but your cat may be able to detect it and so will refuse to eat from the dish.

Your cats dish does need to be rinsed thoroughly, much more exhaustively than dishes for humans use!

Do you use a plastic cat dish? Your pet may have been happily using a plastic dish for some time and then for no apparent reason your cat will not eat from it. Why? Some plastics become slightly absorbent as they age. Your cat's plastic bowl may start retaining the smell of old food, no matter how well you wash and rinse it, so the fresh food gets rejected. cat eating
Remember that changes in your cat's feeding and drinking habits can be a signal that all is not well. If your cat refuses food for more than forty eight hours get her to the veterinarian.

One of the reasons to consider as a reason for your cat not eating is ? cat stress. Your cat can become stressed for a wide variety of reasons, most usually reasons involving some sort of change. Cats find change stressful.

One of the many ways the stress manifests itself is by your cat being off of her food. You can try giving your cat a bit of extra fuss and attention, perhaps setting aside a little play time for your cat each day.

With reassurance that she is still loved your cat may not be so anxious about the change and return to her normal eating habits.

Is your cat now an elder cat? As cats get older their eating habits change, an older cat may eat only a portion of what is in her dish at intervals, rather than eat it all in one sitting as she once did. If you can, give your cat small meal three or four times a day, doing this will help prevent the food left in the dish becoming stale and unappetizing.

Also, as cats get older their sense of smell can deteriorate, even to the point of not being able to smell their food at all. You can try heating the food slightly which may increase the aroma.

Is your cat allowed outside? Often the reason an outside cat will not eat is because she or he has been fed by somebody else. You are providing your feline with good nourishing food but she wanders over to a well meaning neighbor and gets fed there. She returns home and, come her regular mealtime, she is simply not interested in more food.

What can you do? If you can spy on your cat and discover where she is freeloading, you could ask your neighbor not to give your cat any food. Explain that she is on a special diet or something. Other than that you could try affixing a label to your cat's collar saying ?Please do NOT feed.?

An infestation of parasites could be the reason your cat will not eat. Naturally there will be other symptoms present and the situation should not be ignored.

Remember that changes in your cat's feeding and drinking habits can be a signal that all is not well. If your cat refuses food for more than forty eight hours get her to the veterinarian.

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