WELCOME to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog

Welcome to Winkie's Kitty Cat Blog!

Winkie’s Kitty Cat Blog was created by David McIntire for the kitty cat lovers of the world, and, is meant to serve as an outlet for those of you who may have photos, or, a short story of your little furry friends that you would like to share, and have added to the Kitty Cat Blog.
Also, the Kitty Cat Blog will have articles posted that are related to the things that concern kitty cats such as “How To Tips” on caring for our little friends.

If any of the readers of this blog have unusual, interesting, beautiful, or, just good photos of your kitty cats, along with a good short story, that you would like to share, please contact David McIntire at: david@davidmcintire.com and we will contact you as soon as possible to make arrangements to add your content to the Kitty Cat Blog. Adding your photos, stories, and comments to the Kitty Cat Blog is “Free”.

We reserve the right to post, or not to post any content that is submitted to this blog. Also we reserve the right to delete any content that has been posted on this blog as we see fit. You will retrain any copyrights that you may have to your submitted materials.

Come, and “Join In". Feel free to submit your kitty cat photos, your comments, or, your short kitty cat stories, (fact or, fiction) and if we like them, we will post them.

Let’s have some fun.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Nov 23, Pancakes

by W
(Long Island)

Pancakes is 16 years old. He has been going outside during the day for as long as I can remember.

I grew up with this cat and I will tell you this: he is happier and more affectionate (to me and strangers) than any other cat I have ever encountered. In fact, that's what everyone who meets him says.

Cats have two personalities: one is the domesticated pet that comes out when the cat is indoors, and the other is the natural predator that comes out when it is outside. To deny one is fundamentally wrong.

Indoor only cats are typically mal-adjusted around strangers because it sees them as intruders into its "hunting ground"/ home. As I've said I've never met a cat that is as friendly to strangers as Pancakes.

In-door cats are skiddish. However, I do not understand why one would own a cat if not to let it in the house....Cats need the best of both worlds: a safe place to sleep at night, and an outdoor hunting ground during the day and early evening. This way you eliminate many of the dangers faced by outdoor cats...(I admit that I do recommend keeping your cat inside if you live in a highly urban area)

I have had cats all my life and my view is simply this: Life is dangerous,that does not mean it should not be lived...Get real people, cats are animals not babies. I've lost a cat to a car as well, and I still think its cruel to keep cats indoors.

View the original article here

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